24 Hour Care

24/7 Care Around the Clock


When a senior needs 24/7 care around-the-clock, you may think that your only option is to place your loved one into a long-term care facility. With Chosen Family Home Care, that is not the only option. Chosen Family Home Care offers 24/7 home care that allows your senior loved one to remain safe in the comfort of their own home.

Seniors living with dementia or who are homebound due to physical limitations often benefit from 24 hour care. Individuals with frailty syndrome and other advanced illnesses also benefit from 24/7 full-time care.

Additionally, some seniors may need temporary round-the-clock care or home care assistance, like after a surgery or hospitalization. You and your loved ones can enjoy peace of mind by knowing that you have reliable, caring caregiver support throughout the day and night.


Why choose 24 hour care over a long-term care facility?


getting full time senior care at home for philadelphia older adults that need home health care services


Depending on the needs of the patient, 24 hour care may make more sense than a long-term care facility. 24 hour care received around the clock can be a comprehensive and often cost-effective caregiver support option as compared to skilled nursing care facilities.


Having to move an older adult away from the home environment into a new and unfamiliar setting can be difficult for seniors and can cause distress and lead to further loss of independence and reduced quality of life.

How Chosen Family Home Care makes full-time care a success for seniors


Making 24/7 senior home care successful with the help of home health aide caregivers

24 hour care for seniors at home allows your loved one to remain in their residence while continuing to ensure their safety and well-being. Best of all, Chosen Family Home Care provides a more personalized plan of care which caters to the health status and condition of the patient.

We keep the senior’s  preferences and lifestyle in mind for optimal health and happiness. The organization and care managers work with the caregiver or home health aide to implement this plan of care.
