25 Aug Philadelphia Corporation for Aging: A Guide For Seniors At Home
In this guide, we outline the basics of who the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is and the wonderful resources and what they do for older adults and seniors in Philadelphia, PA. This guide is brought to you by Chosen Family Home Care, a proud partner of seniors and older adults in need of home care in Philadelphia.
What is PCA (Philadelphia Corporation for Aging)?
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) is the Philadelphia Area Agency on Aging, also known as an AAA. An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public nonprofit agency designated by a state to address the needs and concerns of all older persons at the regional and local levels.
For example, the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging only works in the Philadelphia region. Seniors and older adults that live in other Philadelphia counties include Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, and Bucks county will need to contact their own Area Agency on Aging in those areas.
AAAs are primarily responsible for a geographic area, also known as a planning and service area (PSA), that is either a city, a single county, or a multi-county district. AAAs may be categorized as a county, city, regional planning council or council of governments, private, or nonprofit.
AAAs coordinate and offer services that help older adults remain in their homes, if that is their preference, aided by services such as home-delivered meals, homemaker assistance, and whatever else it may take to make independent living a viable option. By making a range of supports available, AAAs make it possible for older individuals to choose the services and living arrangements that suit them best.
How many seniors live in Philadelphia?
In total, there are 276,000 Philadelphia residents aged 60 years and older. This represents 19% of the total population of the city of Philadelphia. Among the senior and older adults population, 36% are aged 75 years and older, and 8% are age 85 and older. Both locally and nationwide, the aging population is growing.
What is the phone number for PCA (Philadelphia Corporation for Aging)?
The phone number for Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is (215) 765-9040.
What is the email address for PCA (Philadelphia Corporation for Aging)?
The email address for PCA is info@pcacares.org
What is the fax number for PCA (Philadelphia Corporation for Aging)?
The fax number for Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is 215-765-9066. You can fax any correspondence you need to for the PCA at 215-765-9066.
What services does PCA provide?
The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging offers some wonderful services for seniors and older adults in the Philadelphia, PA area.
- The PCA helps to fund and run senior centers in the area. In fact, PCA funds 28 senior community centers and satellite meal centers in Philadelphia
- Philadelphia Corporation for Aging helps seniors and older adults in Philadelphia to get informed and receive referrals. For example, around 95,000 callers receive information and referral through the PCA Helpline each year
- Philadelphia Corporation for Aging helps individuals get home care services as well. PCA performs more than 20,000 assessments annually for individuals in need of care at home. Chosen Family Home Care can help guide individuals interested in receiving services at home too. Contact us here or at 267.457.4122 to get your free evaluation and guide to see if you may be eligible for home care services at home through PCA or through the Medicaid Waiver program.
- PCA funds and organizes the provision of home care to more than 13,000 seniors and older adults in Philadelphia each and every year. These services help many to remain in the community. This includes care provided through organizations such as Chosen Family Home Care.
- Philadelphia Corporation for Aging helps connect seniors and older adults to legal services. More than 2,800 seniors receive legal services annually from organizations funded by PCA. These are often for free or nominal charge to older adults and seniors in Philadelphia.
- PCA also helps out with employment and volunteer opportunities. Each year, employment and volunteer programs funded and paid for by PCA serve more than 1,500 people annually including seniors and older adults across Pennsylvania.
What assistance is available for seniors at home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
The two primary sources of assistance for seniors and older adults in Philadelphia include the OLTL waiver program, also know as Community HealthChoices. Chosen Family Home Care works with this waiver program for older adults and seniors in Philadelphia. In addition, PCA offers many other services for seniors and older adults including legal services, senior centers, and community events and advocacy for the city’s elder population.
What is the PCA waiver program for senior home care services?
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is not under the waiver program. However, PCA does have a program that helps individuals get home care in the community for those in need. That program is called the OPTIONS program. You can find more about the state’s OPTIONS program here.
What is the PCA OPTIONS program?
If you are interested in the OPTIONS program in Philadelphia through the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, you can check it out here at PCA. Chosen Family Home Care is also here to help you find out more about the OPTIONS progam and other programs that may be a fit for seniors in Philadelphia including the Community HealthChoices waiver. Call or text us at 267.457.4122 for a free guide and information today or contact us here.
How can I learn more about the CHC waiver for home care services?
Chosen Family Home Care provides a variety of free resources to help you navigate free or discounted programs for home care services. These are home care services for seniors and older adults in Philadlephia, Pennsylvania. Read below for some great guides on how to get started with Medicaid waiver programs for home based services for seniors.
- Get Paid to Care For A Loved One in Pennsylvania: A 2022 Guide
- Pennsylvanias Medicaid Waiver: The Step by Step Enrollment Guide
- Pennsylvanias CHC Medicaid Waiver: A Guide to Services at Home
How do I sign up for Community HealthChoices waiver for home care services under medicaid waiver?
You can call, text or email Chosen Family Home Care at 267.457.4122 to get started today. If you prefer to email, the email address for Community HealthChoices waiver for seniors in Philadlephia is info@chosenfamilyhomecare.com. Finally, you can fill out our contact form as well to get your information guide on free home care services for seniors in Philadelphia today.
What home care agencies take the OPTIONS program?
You can contact PCA for a list of home care agencies that take the OPTIONS program. Chosen Family Home Care accepts the OPTIONS program through Philadelphia Corporation for Aging also!
Does PCA take referrals?
Yes, you can reach PCA at the email, phone number, or fax listed for PCA as noted above in this article. You can also contact Chosen Family Home Care at 267.457.4122 for more information about Philadelphia Corporation for Aging or to help you get started or answer any questions you may have.
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