Discrimination in the LGBTQ+ senior community
LGBTQ+ older adults are at increased risk of discriminatory acts that range from hiring and salary discrimination to neglectful health care providers.
LGBTQ+ elders often experience victimization. This is based on their perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity.
According to an article by Sage:
- LGBTQ+ seniors lack traditional family support. They are more reliant on formal support systems than their straight counterparts.
- Fear of discrimination and abuse make LGBTQ+ seniors five times less likely than non-LGBT seniors to access crucial social services. This includes health care, home care, senior centers, housing assistance, meal programs, food stamps and other public benefits.
- Studies have shown that LGBTQ+ seniors wait until they are in a health or financial crisis before seeking help.
- In one survey reported in the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, they uncovered a shocking statistic. 67% of doctors and medical students reported LGBTQ+ patients receiving substandard care or being denied care.
- In another survey of agencies serving seniors in the United States, 50% said that LGBTQ+ seniors would not be welcomed at area senior centers. This was the case if their sexual orientation was known.
Chosen Family Home Care combats this discrimination as much as we can. We provide staff training and educational resources to caregivers and community members of Philadelphia. We provide inclusive materials and create a welcoming environment for our patients and team members.
Chosen Family Home Care also partners with senior community organizations that uphold these values. We advocate to our peers the importance of inclusion, cultural competency, and acceptance to overcome the stigma, discrimination, and health disparities that affect both LGBTQ+ patients. The home care agency doesn’t stop there though. We work to overcome the challenges that exist for minority and underserved communities in general across Pennsylvania through advocacy and education.