PA IEB Phone Number and Contact Info for Maximus


PA IEB Phone Number and Contact Info for Maximus

Looking for the phone number and contact information for the Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) or Maximus? Find it right here in our newest post as well as other PA Medicaid waiver and home care resources.

Who is the PA Independent Enrollment Broker?

The PA IEB, or Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker is contracted by the state of Pennsylvania. They are an intermediary that facilitates enrollment and eligibility for CHC. This is for interested individuals that are seeking services under the Community Health Choices Pennsylvania waiver programs. The PA IEB is managed and run by Maximus, a private company hired by the state of Pennsylvania. 

Does the PA IEB oversee the process of getting set up for Medicaid waiver services in Pennsylvania?

Yes. They will facilitate much of the process. Apart from applying for Medicaid through Compass, an individual should call and consult with the PA IEB to begin the steps to apply for services and set the process in motion.

Other Medicaid waiver articles you might like:

Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker Contact Information

What is the phone number for the PA IEB?

The Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker’s phone number is 1-877-550-4227.

Does the PA IEB have a fax number? What is the PA Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) fax number?

Yes. If you need to fax information to the Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker, you can fax them at 1-888-349-0264. This can be done if you have application information to send into Maximus, for example

Can I email the PA IEB? If so, what is the Independent Enrollment Broker’s email contact information?

Yes. You can email any information to the PA IEB at For example, if you have your completed application, this can be emailed to the Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker at

What other Medicaid waiver resources are available?

You can find a variety of resources, like help getting set up for Medicaid waiver, to choosing the right home care provider, and comparing CHC health plans like Keystone First, UPMC, and PA Health and Wellness. Chosen Family Home Care is a home care services provider and home care agency that can help you with any questions along the way.  You can contact us with any questions about the process or if you need help selecting a home care agency.

The Chosen Family Home Care Difference

maximus contact information

Chosen Family Home Care is a caring and supportive provider of home care services for seniors and disabled adults across Pennsylvania and throughout the greater Philadelphia area. We can help you get set up with the right mix of services and supports to keep you independent at home. Plus, we can hire family caregivers or find a qualified and compassionate caregiver to meet your needs. We are the top paying home care agency in Philadelphia and we also offer many other benefits.

Family caregivers benefit by getting the best pay possible, and senior and disabled care recipients get peace of mind by knowing that we can recruit and hire the best caregivers across the state of Pennsylvania. Reach out to us now to select us as your home care agency provider today.

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